Daphne Valente’s “Flora Graeca” collection:  “not just for models”

30th, June 2023 by Anna Gooss

Athens Fashion Week brought a fresh change to the event in its new venue for its 32nd edition, moving to the newly-built Ellinikon Experience Park, which is located at the old airport. The event kicked off Greek Fashion Week, taking it to a new level, in June this year. Daphne Valente’s timeless collection “Flora Graece’ perfectly echoed with the venue, sculptured pleated dresses, bright saturated colours and leaf-like wreaths on model’s heads created the ancient Greek looks but with a modern twist.

Inspired by botany, Valente’s whole collection was infused with the beauty of nature. The 21 ensembles were tailored in the Grecian pleating technique for which Valente is famous, fused with clean bright colours that cannily underscored the artistry.  A long white pleating-detailed undulating dress with dangling lianas like elements on the bottom part bounced along the catwalk, creating a look of a goddess of nature. Each look was teamed with a green pleated wreath epitomising nature. Not only were there leaf-like silhouette pieces, but the collection also included trending cone breasts on a searingly red open-shouldered dress constructed from three different sections using a pleated technique. This was a dress that stood out but also blended in with the rest of the collection.


At the end of the show Daphne came out to greet people holding a plate on which was written “not just for models”. She was accompanied by women of different ages and body types wearing perfectly fitted pieces proving that statement. With a devotion to handmade work and traditional crafted Greek techniques, Valente’s pleated dresses are recognisable and really unique.

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