Top trends in frames: Massive and Invisible types

19th, August 2021 by Anna Gooss


In this article you will find out about:

“Stylish eyewear”. 

“How to choose the best frames for your face shape ”


“How to take care of your glasses to keep the lenses and frames in a good condition for as long as it possible”

Prescription glasses are glasses that we use for eye correction, they can also have a sun-protection coating or a removable sun cover element but they are called Prescription Glasses. Other glasses which we use for sun-protection are called sunglasses. Here’s a small explanation for beginners.

In 2021 there are two kind of frames that are popular and stylish: 

  1. Invisible – Clear: In silver or gold with a slim metal frame or transparent in plastic frames
  2. Massive – Retro:  As if you took them from your grandma or grandpa. In plastic or metal and massive and old-fashioned.

Invisible – Clear style

This trend wants us to look like we aren’t even wearing glasses. And designers have created clean and geometric shapes which fit anyone: blond, ginger or brunette. It sounds great but in reality not all glasses look stylish or nice on our face which means there are some factors that will influence our glasses choice.  And the reason why is our face-shape.

These are 5 common face shapes: Round, Triangular, Square, Rectangular and Oval. On the internet you will also find a diamond, heart and other weird shapes but these are the 5 basic shapes which can define your face shape.

Here are some examples of face types and famous people with these face shapes.

If you have a square or rectangular face type it is better to choose a large frame which is rectangular, or a big cat-eye frame. You need a frame which will fit your face. I mean your frame has to end where your eyebrows end or even a bit further out but not be narrower than them.

If the bottom half of your face (from eyes to chin) is long, it is ideal to choose a frame which will cover half of your checks thus you balance your face size between upper and lower parts.

Trendy eyewear frame
Quay frame
Slim eyewear frame

“How to take care of glasses”

Some of the problems glasses usually have include: 

  1. Scratches on lenses
  2. Scuffs on lenses and frames
  3. Loss of frame colour

How to prevent scratches on lenses

  1. Never put your glasses down lens-first. Even in your glasses case it is important to keep your lenses facing up. When we put frames lense down on a table, in a case or even on a carpet they can rub on the surface which damages the lens and creates micro scratches which get deeper and bigger over time.
  2. Don’t use clothes, towels, your t-shirt, blanket or even your fingers to clean your lenses. All glasses collect dust, salt and oil (from our face and cooking). These small dust or salt crystals work like a knife when you rub them with your t-shirt/clothes or even fingers. Any motion pushes dust/salt crystals deep into the previous scratches and makes them more obvious.

The best and cheapest way to clean and keep your glasses in a good condition is to clean them properly once a day or every other day in the evening when you go to sleep or in the morning. 

To clean your glasses properly you need: water, washing up liquid, a soft sponge and soft paper. 

The first step is to rinse your frame under the water to flush any dust or salt crystals off.

Next take a soft sponge with 1 drop of washing up liquid on it and wash it with a gentle motion. After that, rinse well with slightly warm water.

Open the frames and put them on some paper to let the water drain onto the paper and then wipe the rest of the water off with paper without touching the lenses. 

Use this paper to remove water from the rims and temples. 

During the day you can use disposable special wipes or a permanent cloth for lenses. But don’t use your T-shirt, towel or anything else because they may have dust-crystals on them or a rough texture that could scratch the lenses.

What happens if you don’t clean your frames/glasses well?

Oil from your skin or cooking works like a glue and fuses dust crystals to your lenses. Then when you use a dry cloth to clean the lenses you cause micro damage which in the end destroys your glasses.

Metal frames don’t like water, so try to clean only the lenses and avoid the frame. I haven’t had problems with washing my metal frames, but one of my friends has.

That’s all, keep your prescription glasses and sunglasses clean not only in order to keep them longer but also to help you see better!

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