How I experienced a delayed side-effects after the Moderna vaccine. Shot-2

10th, August 2021 by Anna Gooss

I had my first shot of the Moderna vaccine on the 17th June 2021. Seven days after I had the first shot I had a strange delayed reaction to the Moderna vaccine. 

This delayed reaction was accompanied by redness, swelling and pain at the vaccination site. I didn’t have a fever but the red area was showing 37.8℃ on the infrared  thermometer.

The moderna vaccine reaction

On the 8th day the redness had spread more and the color started to be more intense, but also without a fever, itchiness or fatigue. On the 9th day the swelling totally disappeared and the redness started to be lighter and bigger. It seemed as if the redness was blending with the skin. 

On the 10th day the red area became much smaller and then totally disappeared.

The doctor said this reaction is common, and after the second shot I might get this redness earlier, for example the next day or the day after.

My second shot was on the 17th of July 2021, and redness appeared the next day. The size of the redness was exactly the same as I had from the first shot, but it disappeared much faster.

Side effect reaction after covid

It totally disappeared on the 3rd  day and I didn’t feel any discomfort or worry about my arm.

Recap, if you have any reactions or worries after the vaccine you have to immediately go to the doctor and report them. Don’t try to treat yourself or wait until it passes away, call or go to your doctor immediately so everything goes well.

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