How I experienced a delayed side-effect after the Moderna vaccine

03rd, July 2021 by Anna Gooss

I had my first shot of the Moderna vaccine on the 17th June 2021. Seven days after I had the first shot I had a strange delayed reaction to the Moderna vaccine.

I’m 35 years old and I’ve never had any allergic reactions in my life or any problems with my health. The first day after the first shot of the Moderna vaccine I didn’t have any strange reaction, only a strange taste in my mouth as if I had drunk blood or my gums were bleeding, and an arm pain which wasn’t bad at all.

On the second day I started to have terrible arm pain. My vaccine was on my left arm and I couldn’t lift it up or sleep on my left side. Pain is a common reaction so I wasn’t worried. In the place where I had the vaccine I started to get a bruise and nothing more.

On the fourth day I stopped feeling the pain in my arm and could use it as normal. On the 5th and 6th days I was ok.

But on the morning of the 7th day I noticed a strange redness around the vaccination site which grew every hour and into that evening. This delayed reaction was accompanied by redness, swelling and pain at the vaccination site. I didn’t have a fever but the red area was showing 37.8℃ on the infrared  thermometer.

This is my reaction after the Modern vaccine

first shot reaction after the modern vaccine

On the 8th day the redness had spread more and the color started to be more intense, but also without a fever, itchiness or fatigue. I tried to go to the doctor, but in Greece because of the Covid restrictions it is impossible to make an appointment quickly. My appointment was on Monday on the 11th day after the vaccine. To make sure that I didn’t die I went to the pharmacy to get some antihistamine, but the pharmacist who saw my arm, called the doctor and asked what I could do for now. The doctor wouldn’t let me take antihistamine; she said to wait until Monday and to use some local skin antiseptic to prevent any inflammation, just in case.

Side effect from the Modern vaccine

On the 9th day the swelling totally disappeared and the redness had started to be lighter and bigger. It seemed as if the redness was blending with the skin. 

The Modern vaccine reaction

On the 10th day the redness area became much smaller.

This delayed reaction after the Moderna vaccine is quite rare, but I want to know if it is dangerous to get the second shot of the Moderna vaccine or not. For this reason I’m going to the doctor to ask her to check the area and the allergic reaction and the possibility of having an allergic reaction again after the second shot and the consequences after that.

side effect from the modern vaccine
Moderna vaccine review

Today is the 11th day. I don’t have any redness reaction on my arm and I’m going to the doctor.

To be continued.

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